29 dec 2008

Obama continues global warming hoax to support global carbon tax

Mr Obama begins by saying that "the science is beyond dispute and the facts are clear". "Sea levels," he claims, "are rising, coastlines are shrinking, we've seen record drought, spreading famine and storms that are growing stronger with each passing hurricane season."

Far from the science being "beyond dispute", we can only deduce from this that Mr Obama has believed all he was told by Al Gore's wondrously batty film An Inconvenient Truth without bothering to check the facts. Each of these four statements is so wildly at odds with the truth that on this score alone we should be seriously worried.

...For a start he plans to introduce a "federal cap and trade system", a massive "carbon tax"...


12 dec 2008

Terror anno 2008/2009: Strategy of Tension in action

The recent terror attacks in Mubai are most likely a continuation of the so-called strategy of tension (AKA using terror as a pretext for war and creation of the "national security state")

Evidence pointing towards Mubai attack being supported by Western supported intelligence:
Hemant Karkare - False Flag Investigator Killed in Mumbai Attack http://911blogger.com/node/18715
frm head of ISI Gen. Hamid Gul on CNN 12 7 08 | Mumbai + 911 = Inside Job http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juhAreG1p1c
CIA Foreknowledge of the Mumbai Attacks http://911blogger.com/node/18691

By coincidence this fits in perfectly with Obama's future expansion of the "War on Terror" (eg. Pakistan)

This strategy was used during and after the cold war in Greece, Italy, France, Belgium, Turkey, Spain, Swizerland (typically referrred to as Operation GLADIO, see also my previous article http://chellow.blogspot.com/2007/12/cossiga-van-gladio-tot-911.html) . Also evidence points out that this strategy was used in the Oklahoma City Bombing 1995 and of course 11 sept 2001.

Het spiegelpaleis van de gladiatoren by Georges Timmerman (14 May 2005 De Morgen)

Al Qaida has got Nothing on this Terror and Mayhem. Review of NATO's Secret Armies by Phil Chamberlain (Tribune Books 9 Sep 2005)

For more info on Gladio cfr. Book NATO's Secret Armies by Daniele Ganser
or James Bamford - Body of Secrets.

Recommended reading: Security Blanket: Western Democracy and the Strategy of Tension by Chris Floyd http://baltimorechronicle.com/2008/112408Floyd.shtml

9 dec 2008

EU Protests across Europe - total media blackout!

In Spain, 11 protesters were arrested and several police officers injured when clashes took place in Madrid and Barcelona.
In Copenhagen, 32 people were arrested when their protest in support of the Greek protests turned violent.
In neighbouring Turkey, about a dozen left-wing protesters daubed red paint over the front of the Greek consulate in Istanbul. Around 150 people belonging to a Danish underground movement took to the streets, throwing bottles and paint bombs at buildings, police cars and officers. In Moscow and Rome, protesters threw petrol bombs at Greece’s embassies.

Lisbon opponents stage protest at Swedish Embassy

Protests outside Czech court against Lisbon treaty http://www.ceskenoviny.cz/news/index_view.php?id=346150

Ieren vinden nieuw referendum ondemocratisch http://www.hln.be/hln/nl/960/Buitenland/article/detail/542156/2008/12/10/Ieren-vinden-nieuw-referendum-ondemocratisch.dhtml

There was another anti-EU protest this week in Brussels concering the new forced Lisbon treaty vote but I cant find a newslink on it because Belgian mainstream media is totally worthless.